Friday, March 14, 2008

Same Old

Just starting my blog! This will be about being old---------and the Same Old.

Everything seems to be changing rapidly these days-----or am I just crochety? There seems to be no shame left in the world and I think that is a shame. Shame is a good thing----and a guiding light. Is that crochety? I really believe life was easier when we had rules and followed them. I feel for today's children when they have no idea what to do and how to do it! I think today's youth have a hard row to hoe-----------and I hope they understand the annalogy! It's agrarian, and no one is left on the farms.

That's enough for one day. I will update as I find more things that upset me!


Sydney said...

Hey Boo --

Just wanted to say hi and encourage you with your new blog. I have one too, and am trying to keep it up more regularly.

I'm from Jackie's blog. :-)

Sydney said...

Boo- Just stopped by again to see how you are. Haven't heard from you on Jakcie's or Teri's Chatters Lane so wondering what's new. Are you planning any summer vacations? Are you busy or relaxing? How's the weather where you are... all of that kind of stuff!
